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Clarke Summer Camps Kick Off in June

By Clarke News  |  May 17, 2024

This summer, Clarke University is proud to partner with area organizations to bring unique learning experiences to students of all ages through its summer camps series. As we near the end of registration, we’re highlighting two options starting in June that you and your family won’t want to miss!  

Summer Literacy Camp: For over a decade, the Clarke Education department has worked with area students to develop their love of reading through games and activities. This four-week day camp may be hosted at Our Lady of Guadalupe, but it is open to all Dubuque area students entering grades 1-6. 

This year’s camp is coordinated by Michaela (Hennings) Koch ’16, ’20M, an alumna who has now returned to Clarke as an Instructor for the Education department. With her guidance, 10 Clarke students—including six traditional undergraduate students and four members of Clarke’s Accelerated Elementary Education program—will break into small groups with campers to gain real-world classroom experience.  

“This is such a valuable experience prior to student teaching,” Michaela said. “The Clarke students will work with campers to model activities to their interests. In the past, we’ve had beach days or developed different themes around the readings, so the kids help shape their day. We know that engagement is so critical to reading skills, and this is an opportunity to have fun with it. It’s a win for everyone.”   

Camps starts June 11, so register now! 

Wellness Camp: Clarke’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program developed their new Wellness Camp based on strategies and lessons from their doctoral work.  Seven DNP students, along with Associate Professors of Nursing Kris Tiernan and Andrea (Stacey) Simmons ’01, ’08M, ’16DNP, will guide campers ages 8-11 in exploring the building blocks of overall health in this fun and engaging one-day session. 

After breaking into small groups, students will participate in activities such as nature walks, mindfulness practices, first aid, reading and understanding food labels, and more. As part of the event, students will also explore and use tools in the Clarke Nursing Simulation Lab, which mimics a real hospital.  

“Our goal is to lay the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and hopefully spark some conversations at home,” Andrea said. “Families can often be overwhelmed by the amount of health information out there, and at times that information can be misleading. This camp empowers children and their families to make good decisions regarding their overall health. In turn, it provides our future Doctor of Nursing Practice students with experience in making their medical advice realistic and accessible for all.” 

Clarke’s Wellness Camp has filled for 2024, but additional camps, such as boys ’and girls’ basketball and co-ed volleyball will run throughout the summer. Find more information on all Clarke’s summer offerings at