Posting a Job or Internship

The Clarke University Career Services Office subscribes to and makes every effort to comply with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Conduct. Each organization is expected to do likewise. For more information on the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct, please visit
The Clarke University Career Services Office uses College Central Network for all job and internship postings.
College Central Network is an online job-posting service which is provided free through Clarke University. With it, employers have the opportunity to recruit, arrange for interviews, and eventually hire qualified candidates.
This service helps students & alumni find a job and get the scoop on career-related programs and events. Career-related articles and podcasts assist student career readiness. Employers are able to create an account with us to post job opportunities of all types (full-time, part-time, internships, co-ops) to attract qualified student and alumni applicants. Instructions can be found on the side bar under the Employer Information Page: CCN.
All internships are posted and managed online in CCN. Full-time job opportunities are e-mailed to appropriate students according to their major and/or class. Employment notices are also available to students and graduates in the Career Services office.
Also, if you are interested in recruiting on campus, providing informational sessions to students, or setting up a display table, please access the Recruiting Visit link on the Employer page. All of these services are offered to Clarke students, alumni and our employer partners free of charge!