Resume Writing and Portfolios
Resume Help
A resume is a summary of why you’re a perfect fit for the job, but listing out your skills and experiences doesn’t come easily to everyone. Scheduling an appointment with Career Services staff gives you a chance for some practical advice and guidance on how to highlight the skills and experience you have to offer.
During your session, we will sift through your skills and pass along ideas for layout and formatting your materials. We also assist with cover letters, schedule mock interviews, and offer a private cubicle space you can reserve for virtual or in-person interviews with potential employers, giving you a full range of support as you explore career opportunities.
Why You Should Have a Portfolio
If a resume is the Cliffs Notes of your professional experience, a portfolio is how you show them the receipts. It demonstrates in full detail all your experience through real world examples and offers the interviewer a sense of how you operate in the workplace.
Choosing the most relevant experiences and putting them in an easily understood format also shows an employer proof of your organizational, communication, and tangible career related skills. See our guide for help in developing your own portfolio.