Musical Theatre
Have fun while you learn performance techniques, musical theatre history, and theatrical literature, as well as all the technical aspects of set, lighting, costumes, and makeup. You won’t just spend time watching other people perform … you’ll gain performance experience from your first semester on campus.

Program in Pictures

Drama Production Playboy of the Western World

Drama Production Baby with the Bathwater

Drama Production A Voice of My Own

Drama Production Irish One Acts

Drama production Caretaker

The Classroom and Beyond

Facilities & Equipment
Terence Donaghoe Hall is where theater productions at Clarke University come to life. We also have other strong affiliations with local venues.

All of our ensembles are a blend of music, musical theatre majors, and students in other majors who want to continue their love of performing. And, because participation in ensembles is considered a course, you can earn credit toward graduating while participating.
Careers in Musical Theatre
What can I do with a experience in musical theatre?
Clarke University has a long-standing, distinguished relationship with the American College Theater Festival.
Clarke University is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. Clarke’s music education program is also approved by the Iowa Department of Education.
Other Programs to Explore
Experience Clarke Musical Theatre for Yourself