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Clarke Contributes to Climate Action Festival on April 3  

By Clarke News  |  February 10, 2025
Participants in the 2023 Climate Action Festival

The Dubuque Colleges Sustainability Coalition invites all area college students and the community to attend its Climate Action Festival from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, April 3 at the Loras College Alumni Campus Center.  This event is free and open to the public.  

The Climate Action Festival will host short informational sessions that focus on individual action. Topics include the relationship between human health and climate, communicating and understanding science information, and the intersection of climate change and spirituality, as well as celebrating nature through dance and arts and crafts. Each session will be led by faculty, staff, and student volunteers, including Clarke Professor of Biology Melissa DeMotta. Additionally, there will be exhibits from student artists from the area colleges whose works explore these topics in various forms.  

“Climate change is this huge concept and at times that can feel overwhelming. This event and the presenters involved are focused on resources and behavior changes that anyone can implement,” said Ashley Noonan, Sustainability Coordinator for the University of Dubuque and the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. “This free event offers a first step for anyone to make a difference in our community.” 

About the Dubuque Colleges Sustainability Coalition 

The Dubuque Colleges Sustainability Coalition is composed of eight institutions of higher learning in the Dubuque area: Capri College, Clarke University, Divine Word College, Emmaus Bible College, Loras College, Northeast Iowa Community College, University of Dubuque, and Wartburg Theological Seminary. Through shared resources and collaborative thinking, we strive to bring sustainable practices and ideas to our campuses and the greater community.