Clarke Cooks Up Something Special for Beckman Gala

For years, Chemistry Professor Sunil Malapati has incorporated community service hours into his Nutrition and Food Science classes. He and his students are frequent volunteers with organizations like Convivium Urban Farmstead and Project Rooted. So, when Carrie Pirc with Beckman Catholic High School reached out for a possible collaboration, Sunil seized the opportunity to try something new.
“When Carrie broached the idea of creating a private dining experience as an auction item for the Beckman Gala, it was very exciting to me,” Sunil said. “Sharing food is such a profound experience and I think that is an important aspect of learning. It’s a win-win for my students and the community.”
Working with Carrie, Sunil devised a menu inspired by traditional Midwest supper clubs. While Sunil took charge of the entree, students in his Fermentation class were tasked with developing a new take on the classic relish tray. Over the next two months, they made their own sourdough bread, pickles, sausage, and cheeses. With guidance from Sunil, they also crafted something no trip to the supper club is complete without – a quality cocktail.
I worked on ginger tea, rootbeer, and an orange and grapefruit juice for the dinner. It took a lot of trial and error, but I was really happy with how it turned out, especially the fruit juice. In food science, you are at the mercy of the bacteria, and I love learning how to manipulate the flavors into something really interesting. I enjoy research and I love food, so this is the best of both worlds!
On November 9, Sunil and students from his Fermentation and other food science classes presented their work in a private meal in Jimmy’s Place, a favorite hangout in Clarke’s Marie Miske Center for Science Inquiry. Beckman Gala auction winner Rick and Dawn Kroeger enjoyed appetizers, a salad and fish course, steak entree, and delicious desserts with their guests.
“There are so many intangible benefits that come from an experience like this, from the connections to our community to our students’ sense of pride in sharing something they created,” Sunil said. “Food is more than nutrition; it is an emotional experience, and I work hard to convey that to the students in all that we do.”