Clarke Names Fletcher Lamkin Interim President

Clarke is proud to announce that Fletcher Lamkin, Ph.D. has been selected as Interim University President. Lamkin will serve for 18 months or until the search for Clarke’s seventeenth president is completed and the president assumes office.
Since assuming the office on January 3, Lamkin has dedicated significant time to developing relationships with Clarke’s faculty, staff, and students, as well as the Clarke University Board of Trustees, Alumni Board, and other community stakeholders. This work lays the foundation for important steps in the months ahead, including the development of Clarke’s strategic plan, Higher Learning Commission accreditation, and welcoming a new president.
Clarke’s rich history and inspirational mission, vision, and values make it a special and unique resource for the region and the State of Iowa. I view the Clarke University strategic goals of student success, employee wellness, financial resiliency, and community relationships as highly appropriate and eminently achievable. We can realize success by collaboratively leading Clarke’s extraordinary people to build upon the exceptional plans that have been developed, thereby providing a strong foundation of financial wellness, stable enrollments, and student success for the next president.
Lamkin’s experience in higher education is extensive, ranging from a professor, dean of academics, vice president for institutional advancement, and president for several colleges, including serving two terms as president at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri from 2000-2007 and 2017-2020.
During his most recent tenure at Westminster, Lamkin developed and implemented strategic plans to address shortcomings from all areas of campus, restored the College to financial stability and health, and instituted technological improvements for data management, wireless communications, and classroom modification, among other things.
Lamkin is also a proud veteran and served as a U.S Army Officer for over 35 years, ultimately retiring as a Brigadier General in 2000. He served in Vietnam, Korea, and locations around the world, earning many awards and decorations for his service, including a Bronze Star and Distinguished Service Medal, the highest peacetime honor awarded by the U.S. Army. His service also included work as both a professor and Dean of the Academic Board at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York.
Clarke welcomed Lamkin following the departure of its 16th President, Thom D. Chesney, Ph.D. During his time at Clarke, Chesney helped the university navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, increase enrollments, and strengthen relationships with the Dubuque community. The Clarke community thanks him for his service and wishes him well on his future endeavors.