DRA Grant Funds New Dubuque Promise Scholarship for Local Schools

Clarke University is proud to partner with the University of Dubuque and Loras College to offer the Dubuque Promise Program, a scholarship program designed for local students and funded in part by a generous grant from the Dubuque Racing Association.
The initial $200,000 from the DRA will create a pool of scholarship funds open to all three schools. Eligible area students can receive up to $5,000 per year for up to four years. In turn, the students agree to live and work in Dubuque County for the length of time they received the scholarship. Should they move away, the remaining balance converts to a low-interest loan.
The scholarship program was designed in part to encourage more local students to remain in the Dubuque area. As of August 2022, a Telegraph Herald report showed that nearly half of all tri-state students moved away after high school to pursue work or education.
A big topic right now in this area is growing workforce and the education for that. This is one opportunity we believe will do that. And it’s not going to happen for an individual institution creating a scholarship program. We have got to be partners in this effort.
While the three colleges are still determining the specific processes involved with administrating the scholarship, students may be able to apply for Dubuque Promise Awards as early as the 2023-2024 academic year. For more information on scholarship opportunities at Clarke, visit clarke.edu/admission-aid.