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Fall 2024 Dean’s List Announced

By Clarke News  |  January 8, 2025
Clarke University Dean's List
Clarke University is proud to announce that 237 students earned a spot on the Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 semester. The list recognizes full-time Clarke students who have earned a 3.65 grade-point average or above, on a 4.0 scale, with a minimum of 12 graded undergraduate hours. Please join us in congratulating these students on their hard work!
Fall 2024 Dean's List
Aurelio AguirreWolfgang HornerJorge Pineda
Abraham AgundezJonovan HowardTyler Poland
Alexander AinsworthHailey HuckstorfCarson Possehl
Mannix AmosMariah HuenekeJoshua Pote
Kaylei AndersonDan IlieJoslyn Potts
Alejandro ArchilaAmanda Illa-PuccioSarah Pratt
Christian AyersJayden JackmanClara Pregler
Julieanna Baerga-FernandezBraden JacobsLaryssa Pritchard
Quinnlyn BakerBenjamin JaegerChristian Prull
Zachary BarrAngel JenkinsAbigail Prunty
Kimberly BehrendMcKenzie JohnsCael Pulido
Alexander BergmanDonnell JohnsonTremayne Puls
Jaide BittingerCharlie JuntunenLindsay Quam
Rex BlaineElena KapparosKate Quick
Erik BohmCody KautzWilliam Ramirez
Owen BorelliZoe KennedyNadji Rebai
Olivia BowmanElizabeth KleiberHarley Redding
Mia BraddockKevin KlosBenjamin Reiser
Gavin BreedJayden KnoxFrancis Resurreccion
Natalie BrehmAnnemarie KoernerLindsey Reuter
Emma BreitbachFaith KrapflZachary Reuter
Katherine BussanShelby KrogmanAndrew Richards
Stanley CadetKirsten KruserDanyel Rieck
Chesney CapronMaci KuchtaZachary Rinehart
Axel CarlsonLuz RosaAngela Rivas
Pete CarlsonOlivia LacourAddison Roberts
Melissa CarstensenMontana LafrenzRicardo Rodriguez
Alicia CasasGracelynn LangeKara Rogers
Morgan CatchurJake LaymanSheila Roling
Spencer CavacoMelinda LeasmanJoshua Roman
Abreiana ChristofferKennedi LeDuffNathan Roman
MitchelCoffeyCody LeonJaiden Russin
Fernando ContrerasRachel LindMaria Sabers
Logan CorcoranOmarr LockeMarton Safranka
Taylor CotaHilde LohrmannOlivia Schafer
Brianne CoteAlvaro LopezJacob Schemmel
Emma CoulthardHarlee Makue-VasconcellosLillian Schilling
Natalie CoyleHenrey MalcomLauren Schmitt
Nicole CuroeJay MarcantonioSierra Schubert
Brody DeiteringEmily MarinoKyle Scott
Samuel DelgadilloMeaghan MartensBlanca Siemes
Ricardo DiazDenis MasinovicKlair Simmons
Kaelyn Dierickx-AmelyAaron MatsumotoMegan Slover
Alyssa DiesingTanner MayClaire Smith
Kristin DirksenJoshua McDermottLisa Smith
Brooke DouglasEmily McDonoughSophia Spicuzza
Amelia DriverMegan McGladeAlysse Steve
Jackson DurbinDaniel MendezKaedynce Stevens
Mary EhlersEmily MerzIsabella Stratton
Kora EngIrene MetaxasCole Swartz
Carson EstradaAlison MillerJennifer Swedlund
Lidia FajardoMakela MillerMadeline Teasdale
Riley FenderSamantha MillerSara Theisen
Samantha FickbohmKaelyn MinichHaddon Thompson
Jenna FiedlerNatalie MitchellChloe Thumser
Reece FlemingJacob MondayJuanita Tibocha
Halle FoeckingSaige MoranAndrew Tiedemann
Madison FoxSophia MorrisonEmily Trinkle
Steele FredricksBrittney MundellLily Tschiggfrie
Jesse FryeJavier MunozTristan Turner
Meredith GattoMaria MustafaLeonardo Valladares
Kainoa GerardKelsey NecollinsLucas van Loon
Jordan GorgasJacqueline NedvedJames VanderVelden
Emma GrantAlia NevarezBrayden VanDeWalle
Diego GuevaraNaomi NoelBryn Vantiger
Sydney HaasTaryn NoltingJaden Voshell
Joseph HallArtur NonesJan Wadsack
Jovann Hamlin-AranaEmily OnkenJessica Wagner
Sally HaugDean OrmondeMaxwell Waller
Kole HaverlyDawn OvelMaya Watters
Karley HawkinsJaycee PageElla Wetjen
Jennifer HayakawaDavid PalmaWilliam White
Lauren HefelDrew PateBailey Wiemann
Jori HeinrichMadelyn PattenCorryn Wiggins
Alicia HerringOlivia Pauly-MerrickKellie Wills
Sydney HerzmannMadison PeckSophia Wilson
Adeline HickeyMiguel PerezaguaMackenzie Wisner
Taryn HoffmanMichael PettkeSam Wright
Brooklynn HoltAbigail PierceIsaac Zakli
Kaylie Holtam
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