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Leadership Class Drives Community Action 

By Clarke News  |  February 13, 2025

At Clarke, the Core Values of Freedom, Education, Charity, and Justice are at the heart of all we do. For Business Administration Instructor B’Ann Dittmar, guiding students in applying those values adds a new dimension to their coursework.  

During the fall 2024 semester, B’Ann’s Leadership class was set with a challenge to put theories into practice for the benefit of area nonprofits, such as the Dubuque Regional Humane Society and the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque. Each group member had to complete at least three hours of community service with the organization, as well as interviews and research.  

Haddi Thompson, a senior double majoring in Business Administration and Sport Management, worked with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque as part of her project. For Haddie, adding the community aspect made the course concepts come alive. 

As a senior, I have worked hard to understand a lot of marketing, business, and leadership ideas that B’Ann has taught us, but going into an organization and acting on it shows me I can really do this. It makes the work more rewarding too, because at an organization like the Boys and Girls Club, what you do impacts so many children and their families

Haddi Thompson, '25

At the end of the semester, each group had to create a final presentation that would encourage their audience to donate time, money, or services to the organization. 

Local Business Increases Impact 

In a new twist for this semester, B’Ann was not the only one reviewing the presentations.  

“Lauren Minert from Kunkel and Associates had been assisting me with a variety of student activities on campus, including serving as a class speaker, reviewing resumes, and doing mock interviews,” B’Ann said. “When she told me that Kunkel was interested in doing a sales competition, I offered the servant leadership project and she was thrilled” 

With support from Lauren and others at Kunkel & Associates, including Clarke Board of Trustee member and CEO of Kunkel & Associates Jason Knockel ’96, the presentation took on a new meaning. The company offered a $250 gift to the nonprofit of the winning team. Clarke then matched the funds, with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque ultimately receiving the $500 donation.  

“I’m really proud of having such a strong presentation. It’s nice to have your work recognized, but more importantly, to see a cause you care about grow because of it,” Haddi said. “Projects like this make me feel connected to this community. I grew up in Colorado, but I’ve gotten to know Dubuque and I’d like to stay in the area after graduation. Connections like this are what Clarke is all about.” 

“Adding the donation encourages the students to bring out their A-game,” B’Ann added. “Volunteering helps them become passionate about their organization and it kind of ups the ante as the teams have a friendly competition. Seeing the sense of pride and joy that they experience when they “win” for their nonprofit is priceless.”