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Portrait of Ali Boyd

Ali Boyd

Executive Director of Admissions



5 Fun Facts about Ali Boyd

  1. I recently moved back to Iowa! I have lived in 5 states in the last 10 years. I am happy to be back “home” as I grew up in Bellevue, which is 30 miles south of Dubuque.
  2. I played basketball in college and still enjoy watching the game. My favorite time of year is March Madness!
  3. I am a dog lover. I currently have a Yorkshire terrier named Indy!
  4. I enjoy spending as much time outdoors as possible; biking, jogging, hiking and golfing are some of my favorite activities.
  5. My family and I are avid Chicago Cubs fans! We try to catch at least 3 games a year at the beloved Wrigley Field.