Paula Schmidt, Ed.D.
Educational Background
University of Northern Iowa , Ed.D. in Special Education, Emphasis: Inclusive Leadership, 2008
Marian College, Fond du Lac, WI, Master of Arts in Education, Emphasis: Students At-Risk, 2000
Winona State University, Winona, MN, Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education & Special Education, Licensures: Elementary Education · Learning Disabilities (K-12) · Mild to Moderate Mentally Impaired (K-12), Emphasis: Spanish, 1997
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that all students bring unique experiences, perceptions and abilities to the classroom. These differences shape who they are and how they interpret the material being presented. I believe in embracing, not stifling, these differences in my students. My teaching philosophy is based on the constructivist learning theory. I believe that it is my role to create and maintain a classroom environment that allows students to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct their learning in alignment with the content presented.
The relationships I have formed with students, faculty and staff at Clarke are the best part of working here. Clarke is truly a caring, learning community committed to excellence in education. I see and feel it daily at Clarke.
Professional Background
Iowa licensure (currently held):
- K-6 Teacher Elem Classroom
- K-6 Mildly Disabled
- K-6 Mentally Disabled Mild/Moderate
- 7-12 Mental Disabled Mild/Moderate
- K-6 Learning Disabilities
- 7-12 Learning Disabilities
- K-6 Multicategorical Special Class Intg
- 7-12 Multicategorical Special Class Intg
- K-6 Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate
- 7-12 Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate
Wisconsin licensure (previously held):
- Alternative Education Program Middle/secondary (grades 6-12)
- Pre-K through grade 12 Cognitive Disability
- Pre-K through grade 12 Learning Disability
- Elementary 1st-6th grade
Research Interests
- Special education
- Differentiation
- Professional Development Schools
- Adolescent learner
- How people learn
Certifications and Memberships
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
- National Association of Professional Development Schools
- National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
- Iowa Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (IACTE)
- American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
- Phi Delta Kappa International
- Iowa Association for Professional Development Schools – Executive Board member 2012-Present
- Member of the Iowa Educator Preparation State Panel (2016- present)