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Clarke partners with Iowa Community Colleges for pathway to Biology, Physical Therapy degrees  

By Clarke News  |  November 19, 2024

Building from our longstanding partnership with Iowa’s 15 community colleges, Clarke University is excited to announce a new 2+2 pathway to degrees in Biology and Pre-Physical Therapy. 

Through this agreement, students who are pursuing an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree in Biology can transfer 60-64 credits to Clarke University, allowing them to enter with junior status. The agreement also allows for flexibility in choosing a BS or a BA in Biology, granting students greater control over their academic planning.  

“This is a fantastic addition to our 2+2 offerings,” said Transfer Admissions Counselor Daija Bates. “Clarke’s exceptional Biology program sets students up for successful careers as well as graduate school opportunities, including Clarke’s popular 3+3 Doctor of Physical Therapy program.”  

Biology is the newest major to join an expanding list of pathway options with community colleges across Iowa, including our neighboring Northeast Iowa Community College. Other 2+2 pathways include: Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Elementary Education, English, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Secondary Education, and Social Work.  

To learn more about Clarke University and how to apply, visit