CareerPLUS Badges
Why earn a badge? What can I do with a badge?
A CareerPLUS badge will provide you with a rich, verifiable, and secure digital credential that provides a visual representation of your qualifications and skills, and unlike a typical transcript, a badge can be easily shared with and understood with others. You can share your badge on social media, or you can add a link to your badge on your resume, email signature, or on a website. By clicking on a badge, employers and others can see the badge description, issue date, and criteria you had to meet to earn the badge, so they can verify that you have the skills you say you have.
For individuals, badges are especially valuable for people looking to pivot careers, search for a new job, reenter the workforce, or further develop the skills needed to increase their employability in the future. For employers, digital badge programs can serve as a way to onboard new employees, upskill employees who have been promoted, and/or recruit and retain the best talent.
A CareerPLUS badge is composed of three CareerPLUS micro courses and is issued securely through the Badgr platform. While CareerPLUS badges are not credit-bearing, they have been designed to align with credit-bearing Clarke University courses allowing them to be converted to academic credit that count toward a bachelor’s degree for individuals who apply and are admitted as degree-seeking Bachelor of Applied Studies (BAS) students at Clarke.