Alecia Thiele, PT, DPT, MSEd, ATC, LAT, DCE
Educational Background
Clarke University, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Transitional DPT, DPT, 2005-2006
University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Masters of Science in Education, Education, MSEd, 1999-2001
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, Bachelor’s of Science, Physical Therapy, BSPT, 1987-1991
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that the ultimate aim of education is to develop individuals who can grow and adapt to change, can value intellectual, practical and theoretical knowledge, can problem solve, can critically think well enough to make their own individual free choices and can ultimately take responsibility for those choices. I believe that the most important thing in education is not just the intellectual knowledge or specific objectives of education. Rather the most important thing in education is that an individual can react to the knowledge and make it his/her own life lesson. I encourage individuals to critically think in order to be able to make informed, knowledgeable, free and independent choices to solve problems and ethical dilemmas. I feel my role as an instructor is to encourage individuals to become knowledgeable, independent, critical thinking, problem solving professionals. I see my role as a facilitator of critical thinking and discussion. Although I set the general direction for my courses and I supply students with a theoretical framework in which to proceed, I challenge them to invest themselves in the process giving of their time and thought to develop further as young professionals.
Students should choose a college or university where they feel they can best find what they need to meet their future goals. If they want a caring, supportive, dynamic atmosphere they should choose Clarke. I am here for students to support them, challenge them, and to share their journey.
Alecia’s role is to coordinate and manage the clinical education portions of the curriculum. She also spends time in the classroom teaching in the areas of professional development, ethics and educational roles in the profession. She is an APTA member, WPTA member, NATA member, previous national office holder APTA Academy of Education, Credentialed Clinical trainer for the APTA Level I and Level II Clinical Instructor courses and she continues to practice physical therapy and athletic training in her practice area of sports medicine.
Courses Taught
Clinical Education Experiences I, II, III, IV and V
(DPT 631, 8 credit hours, DPT 632, 4 credit hours, DPT 733, 8 credit hours, DPT 734, 8 credit hours, DPT 735, 8 credit hours), Spring and Summer Semesters
Graduate Seminar (DPT 720), 3 credit hours, Spring Semester
Certifications and Memberships
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- Academy of Education Secretary, Treasurer, ACCE/DCE Clinical Education Special Interest Group (CESIG), Secretary CESIG, Delegate HOD, Alternate Delegate HOD, Honors and Awards Committee, Educational Research Task Force, Federal Affairs Liaison, CESIG Programming Committee, Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) Abstract and Proposal Reviewer, CSM Moderator
Academic Council of Physical Therapy Education (ACAPT)
- Organizing Committee, Cultural Transformation in Physical Therapy Education Committee
National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) member
Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association (WPTA) member
Smith JM, Smith EMT, Zafron ML, Bohannon RW, Miller K, Thiele A, Zeleznik H, Ohtake PJ. Reduced physical functioning after hospitalization for COVID-19 infection: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy. 2024;15(3):95-106. DOI: 10.1097/JAT.0000000000000239 https://journals.lww.com/jacpt/abstract/2024/07000/reduced_functioning_after_hospitalization_for.4.aspx
Zeleznik, Hallie, Smith, Ellen M., Miller, Kenneth L., Thiele, Alecia, Lee, Alan Chong W., Ohtake, Patricia J. Identifying and Managing Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Older Adults. Gerinotes, Volume 28, No.5, November 2021, Pages 18-22, https://openurl.ebsco.com/EPDB%3Agcd%3A3%3A1085939/detailv2?sid=ebsco%3Aplink%3Acrawler&id=ebsco%3Agcd%3A153491868
Smith, Ellen M.T., Lee, Alan Chong W, Smith, James M, Thiele, Alecia, Zeleznik, Hallie, Ohtake, Patricia J. COVID-19 and Post-intensive Care Syndrome: Community-Based Care for ICU Survivors. Home Health Care Management and Practice, Volume 33, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 117-124, https://doi.org/10.1177/1084822320974956 and https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1084822320974956
Musolino, G, Thiele, A, (2019). Chapter 28: The Director of Clinical Education Leading the Way: Facilitating Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Problem Solving With the Clinical Education Team with Case Exemplars: in the book, Clinical Reasoning and Decision-Making in Physical Therapy: Facilitation, Assessment and Implementation; Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge Taylor & Francis: ISBN 9781630914080https://www.routledge.com/Clinical-Reasoning-and-Decision-Making-in-Physical-Therapy-Facilitation-Assessment-and-Implementation/Musolino-Jensen/p/book/9781630914080?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwufq2BhAmEiwAnZqw8uX4uEv–nYL2mDCMP1WU2HoAF6-1hA4o4xG7Dh19mu4mml25e6n3hoC7AgQAvD_BwE
Patricia J. Ohtake, Alan C. Lee, Jacqueline Coffey Scott, Rana S. Hinman, Naeem A. Ali, Carl R. Hinkson, Dale M. Needham, Lori Shutter, Helene Smith-Gabai, Mary C. Spires, Alecia Thiele, Clareen Wiencek, James M. Smith. Physical Impairments Associated With Post–Intensive Care Syndrome: Systematic Review Based on the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Framework Physical Therapy, Volume 98, Issue 8, 1 August 2018, Pages 631–645, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy059 Published:28 June 2018
Mai J, Stern D, Hollman J, Melzer B, Thiele A, Rosenthal R. Cool as ICE: Examining the Impact of an Integrated Clinical Education Experience on Interpersonal Skills Prior to the First, Full-time Clinical Internship. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2014; 28 (3) 81-97.
Thiele A, Mai J, Post S. The Student Centered Classroom of the 21st Century: Integrating Web 2.0 and Other Technology to Actively Engage Students. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2014; 28 (1) 80-93.
Mai, J, Thiele, A, O’Dell, B, Priest, A. “Utilization of an Integrated Clinical Experience in a Physical Therapist Education Program” Integrating a Health and Wellness Experience into A Physical Therapy Curriculum, Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2013; 27 (2) 25-32.
Sass K, Frank L, Thiele A, Newton AD, Bork B, Hartung S, & Rosenbaum M. Physical Therapy Clinical Educators’ Perspectives on Students Achieving Entry-Level Clinical Performance. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Fall, 2011, 25(3): 46-52.
O’Dell, B., Mai, J., Thiele, A., Priest, A Salamon K. The Hot Seat Developing Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in Physical Therapist Students, The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. January 2009, Volume 7, Number 1.
Thiele, A, Barraclough, A. An Examination of Physician Assistant and Physical Therapy Practice: A Collaborative Model for Success. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2007;21(3):47-52..
Stumbo, T.,Thiele, A, York, A. Generic Abilities as Rank Ordered by Baby Boomer and Generation X Physical Therapists. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2007;21(2):48-52.
Thiele A, Musolino G, Simpson M, Howard A, The Novice Director of Clinical Education (DCE)/Site Coordinator of Clinical Education(SCCE) for a Doctoring Profession Pre Conference Course at the American Physical Therapy Associations Combined Sections Meeting 2024, Boston, MA, February 2024.
Thiele A, Musolino G, Simpson M, Euyepe, S. The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Performance Driven Excellence for Adaptive Learners and Reflective Clinical Education, Educational Session at the American Physical Therapy Associations Combined Sections Meeting 2024, Boston, MA, February 2024.
Smith, J., Bohannon, R., Miller, K., Ohtake, P., Smith, E., Thiele, A., Zafron, M., Zeleznik, H. Problems with Physical Functioning after Hospitalization for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review submitted forPlatform Presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting 2024, Boston, MA, February 2024
Ohtake, P, Smith, J, Thiele A, Miller, K., Zeleznik, H. Recognition and Management of Problems After COVID Infection Educational Session at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting 2024, Boston, MA, February 2024
Ohtake, P, Smith, J, Thiele A, Miller, K., Zeleznik, H. Rehabilitation Strategies for Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19. Educational Session at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting 2023, San Diego, CA, February 2023.
Thiele A, Mai J, Kruse B, Monat T, Hiatt L, Gosse B. A Tale of Two Times: Clinical Performance Instrument Comparisons of Summer 2019 to Summer 2020; Poster Presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting 2021, Virtual due to COVID-19
Lee, A, Thiele AK, Zeleznik, H, Ohtake, P, Smith, J. Managing Patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (Including COVID-19 ICU Survivors). Live Q&A for the American Physical Therapy Association’s NEXT 2020 Conference, July 16, 2020.
Lee, A, Thiele AK, Zeleznik, H, Ohtake, P, Smith, J. Managing Patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (Including COVID-19 ICU Survivors). Educational Session at the American Physical Therapy Association’s NEXT 2020 Conference, June 2020, Rescheduled from Phoenix, AZ to Virtual due to COVID-19
Thiele A, Mai J, Teaching with Technology Educational Session at the Academy of Physical Therapy Education Mid Career Faculty Workshop, August 1-3, 2019, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
Mai J, Thiele A, Grant Award Report on 2018 faculty development grant, presentation entitled, American Physical Therapy Association House of Delegates and NEXT Conference, Clarke University, Dubuque, IA, Spring Books, Bites and Brilliance, March 1, 2019
Research Interests
Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) Clinical Practice Guidelines development group contributor.
Clinical Education, Clinical Reasoning and Professional Behaviors
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Allied Health