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ANKURI International Internship

Internship Overview

Program Details


ANKURI (Agency for Non-Konventional Urban Rural Initiatives) is an NGO (non-governmental organization) in India. ANKURI partners with local schools in nearby villages and has established an English teaching assistantship program where interns run supplemental classes to teach conversational English through a variety of creative methods. Opened in 2012, ANKURI’s Literacy Centre provides free after-school individualized tutoring for village children, aged 4 – 16. Multiple teachers work with the varying levels of children, strengthening their basic skills in English and Math, while also providing supplemental help with school work. The Centre also ensures that children participate in games, sports, and crafts after class for a holistic learning experience.


One tutor of elementary school age boys and girls. Preference is given to female applicants.


Near the city of Dehradun in the state of Uttarakhand within the Garhwal region of northern India (160 miles north of New Delhi).

Dates of Internship

Approximately late May to mid-June (6 weeks).

Other Interns

The education program intern may be able to accompany another Clarke student serving as an intern and two to three other college interns from the University of Michigan, thereby cooperatively dealing with travel challenges, easing culture shock, and facilitating understanding.


Interns are expected to live and dine on-site in the remote, beautiful, tranquil mountain home of the ANKURI founder, Mrs. Rachna Dushyant Singh. She is a fluent English speaker, MA in philosophy, experienced teacher, and a tour guide to travelers visiting India. A/C and internet are available. No alcohol is permitted. Interns have the option of traveling on the weekends or after the internship is completed.


ANKURI partners with local schools in nearby villages and has established an English teaching assistantship program where interns run supplemental classes to teach conversational English through a variety of creative methods. You will develop lesson plans for each day in math and English, create teaching materials, and build an archive of materials for future use (flash cards, games, etc.). Teaching methods should be fun and low-key because the children will have spent the day in school.


Mrs. Singh needs an intern who can think creatively while simultaneously reinforcing elementary level English and math skills. A female intern who is studying elementary education and is a current sophomore or junior is preferred; however, any education students may apply. It is especially important that the intern works well with others and is open-minded to new challenges, experiences, the Indian children she will tutor, and India’s culture.


This is an unpaid internship; however, partial funding for transportation and daily living expenses during the internship will be provided by a Clarke alumna familiar with ANKURI and Mrs. Singh.