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Doctor of Physical Therapy Mission & Outcomes

Mission Driven

The mission of the physical therapy program is congruent with the mission of Clarke University and consistent with contemporary preparation of physical therapy professionals. Both the University and department missions include providing a supportive environment that encourages personal and intellectual growth of professional leaders, promotes reflective professional practice within the context of a diverse global community, and advances decision making that is rooted in spiritual and ethical principles as well as social responsibility. The department mission aligns with the Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004 in that it emphasizes excellence in the teaching and learning of skills related to the practice of physical therapy, the importance of critical thinking and ethical decision making, and the development of lifelong learning skills that will empower graduates to adapt to changing healthcare environments. The program’s mission is also congruent with the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice (online), as students develop the attitudes, behaviors, and skills needed to contribute to the contemporary physical therapy community in a variety of settings. The Physical Therapy Department Mission Statement follows:

The Clarke University Physical Therapy Department is part of the caring, learning community at Clarke University, committed to excellence in physical therapy education and dedicated to educating individuals who are prepared to contribute to society as physical therapy professionals in a variety of settings. We are part of the supportive environment that inspires intellectual curiosity, cultural engagement, professional preparedness, spiritual exploration, and a commitment to contributing to the common good in a global society. As educators, we will encourage lifelong learning by providing continuing education to therapists in the State of Iowa as well as the tri-state region. The faculty will be active in community and professional organizations.

We provide a supportive environment for learning while fostering the critical thinking and ethical decision-making skills required to participate in the rapidly changing health care environment.

We build upon the core values of Clarke University including spiritual values, cultural appreciation, and acceptance of diversity of people and ideas.

Clarke University physical therapy faculty, students and graduates strive for a spirit of collaboration with the health care community to achieve optimum health and wellness for clients served.


  1. Demonstrate competency and safe practice of physical therapy in a variety of practice settings.
  2. Utilize evidence-based clinical decision-making skills as the foundation for their physical therapy practice.
  3. Act as ethical practitioners and practice within the scope of the law.
  4. Display attitudes and clinical skills to optimize their role as a physical therapist member of the health care team and the community.
  5. Value, promote and improve the quality of health care through the unique and cooperative contributions of physical therapy.
  6. Critically interpret research related to the field of physical therapy.
  7. Advocate for patient rights within the current and evolving health care environment (from political, economic and cultural perspectives).
  8. Accept responsibility for personal and professional growth, and learn how to participate in the development of the physical therapy profession.
  9. Continue as life-long learners.
2023 Cohort2024 Cohort2-year average (2023-2024)
Ultimate Licensure Exam Pass Rate100%100%100%
First Time Licensure Exam Pass Rate100%100%100%
Graduation Rate96% (28/29)86% (24/28)91%
Employment Rate100%100%100%