CONNECT Fall 2023 Transfer Student Schedule
CONNECT welcomes all new Clarke students to campus! A transfer and busy student friendly schedule requires new transfer to Clarke students only attend a one-day orientation program.
*Students still needing to register for classes will have a registration appointment on Thursday, August 17. Contact Admissions for assistance.
Individualized and Detailed Schedules Will Be Included in Student Check-In Packets.
Friday, August 18
New transfer students needing to take the Writing Assessment will be notified by their Admissions Counselor, and will begin Transfer CONNECT with the Assessment at 8:45am on Friday, August 18.
Transfer CONNECT will begin with Check-In at 9:45am, and the first session will start at 10:00am.
Students will begin the Compass Navigator (CMPS 102) course on Friday. Sessions throughout the afternoon will be conducted face-to-face in appropriately spaced facilities and groups and will include sessions on wellness, academic programs and resources, information and tutorials on campus technology. The scheduled sessions for the day will conclude by 3:30pm, leaving time at the end of the day for students to take care of any business related items before campus offices close at 4:30pm.
Before the day is over, students will have time get their student ID card photo and have any remaining questions answered during a meeting with Tuckpointers (orientation leaders).