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Student Account Refund Policy

Once registered at Clarke University, a student assumes the responsibility for the payment of all tuition and fees.  If plans change and the student needs to withdraw from a course or the University, the proper process must be followed as outlined here.

Should you decide to withdraw from a course, your refund will be prorated based on the number of days used during the semester starting from the first day of class.  The refund formula is as follows:

Semester Long Course Refund
Days Used
Refund Percent
Refund Table - 7 or 8-week courseRefund Percent
Before or During Wk 1100%
During Wk 275%
During Wk 3 & 450%
During Wks 5-80%

As an example, if classes started on August 25, a student would receive a 100% refund if the course was dropped up to and including September 2. The refund would drop to 90% if dropped between September 3 and September 9, 80% if dropped between September 10 and September 16, 70% between September 17 and September 23, 60% from September 24 and September 30, and no refund October 1 and after. If you have any questions or concerns as to the refund you will receive, please contact Student Accounts.

All students should take particular note that tuition charges create a personal debt to the University. Students receiving financial aid should be aware that, although the tuition charges are incurred upon enrollment, a student who withdraws at any point during the year is subject to a reduction in financial aid in accordance with the governing policies of the individual aid program. Thus, a student who withdraws from the University before the financial aid is fully earned may incur personal liability for unpaid tuition and other related charges. In addition, full-time students should be aware that a change to part-time status during the semester after the add/drop period will not result in a reduction of the semester’s tuition and fees. Before adding or dropping a course or registering for fewer than 12 credits, full-time students should consult with the Financial Aid Office to determine the effect on their financial aid awards, and with the Student Accounts Director to determine the effect on their student account balance. Students who received financial assistance for their enrollment period will have their financial aid revised according to federal, institutional, organizational and/or state regulations and/or policies associated with the funding type received. The withdrawal date recorded on the student’s official Clarke University record will be determined by the Registrar’s Office using the date the student provided official notification, in writing, of their intent to withdraw from Clarke University.