Soon you will be receiving email and postcard communications from the PCI team with instructions on how to verify your contact information and participate in this special project. We’d like to invite you to share your Clarke story with us and take part in this first-of-its-kind project to honor the experiences and voices of our alumni.
The PCI team will collect alumni stories from June – December 2024. During this window, you can contact our assigned interview phone line at 855-300-1184 to speak with a dedicated representative for the Clarke University Oral History Project. You will first be asked to verify your alumni contact information and will then have the opportunity to share your Clarke story through a mini-interview with PCI representatives.
Beginning in January 2025, our partners at PCI will enter a post-production phase editing the data and stories that are received. As you can imagine, this project is a big undertaking, but PCI hopes to have the book distributed to purchasers in summer 2025. We look forward to hearing from each and every one of you regarding your memories of your time at Clarke.