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Campus Closed on February 12

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, the Clarke University campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 12. All classes and events are canceled.

Faculty and staff are excused from work, however, essential employees should report to campus unless otherwise advised by their supervisor.   

Hours of Operation 
The Dining Hall will operate for lunch and dinner during normal hours.

Café 1843 will be closed.

The library will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.  

The Kehl Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Practices are canceled except for teams with competition the next day. 

The Oral History Project

Learn more about the Oral History Project and review some of the most Frequently Asked Questions by alumni just like you.


The Project

All Clarke alumni have a story, and we want to hear yours. However, with over 10,000 alumni, it would take many years to meet with each of you individually. That’s why we’ve decided to partner with PCI on a special initiative known as The Oral History Project to collect the stories of alumni like you in your own words. These stories will be preserved in a beautiful coffee table book that celebrates the impact Clarke has had on the lives of our alumni. Copies of the book will be proudly displayed in the library and available to alumni through PCI for optional purchase.

Partnership with PCI

Given our resource constraints, embarking on an alumni verification and story project of this scale seemed unattainable. However, through our collaboration with PCI, we’ve gained access to their skilled  team members who are eager to engage with your stories. PCI will help collect and assemble the stories into the Clarke Memories book that we can share with all of our alumni and keep in our library. Please note, we have only shared your contact information with PCI in conjunction with this project. We have NOT sold your contact information, or otherwise used it for outside marketing purposes.

Your Story In Your Words

What Clarke story will you tell?

  • Did a special BVM Sister, faculty, or staff member have a profound impact on your life?
  • Did you find your sweetheart at Clarke?
  • Can you trace your career path back to a defining moment at Clarke?
  • Have connections you made on campus turned into lifelong friendships?
  • Were you on campus during a historical moment – perhaps the Clarke fire of 1984?
  • Are you a Clarke legacy student with parents or grandparents who also attended Clarke?

What’s Next?

Soon you will be receiving email and postcard communications from the PCI team with instructions on how to verify your contact information and participate in this special project. We’d like to invite you to share your Clarke story with us and take part in this first-of-its-kind project to honor the experiences and voices of our alumni.

The PCI team will collect alumni stories from June – December 2024. During this window, you can contact our assigned interview phone line at 855-300-1184 to speak with a dedicated representative for the Clarke University Oral History Project.  You will first be asked to verify your alumni contact information and will then have the opportunity to share your Clarke story through a mini-interview with PCI representatives.

Beginning in January 2025, our partners at PCI will enter a post-production phase editing the data and stories that are received. As you can imagine, this project is a big undertaking, but PCI hopes to have the book distributed to purchasers in summer 2025. We look forward to hearing from each and every one of you regarding your memories of your time at Clarke.

Do I have to buy something?

You do NOT need to purchase anything in order to participate or share your story. Additionally, this project is being done at NO COST to Clarke University. The project is completely funded by the alumni who choose to purchase the memory book that will be produced at the end of the project.  Following your story share, various packages will be offered to you as well as an opportunity to make a gift to Clarke University. These optional materials are products of PCI and pricing/packages are set by PCI. You are welcome to purchase these items, but you are not required or obligated to do so to participate in the project. Clarke University does not make any profit from this project, unless you choose to make an additional donation.

Learn More

Visit the FAQ page for more information regarding the Clarke Oral History Project.

Sample Communications