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Campus Closed on February 12

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, the Clarke University campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 12. All classes and events are canceled.

Faculty and staff are excused from work, however, essential employees should report to campus unless otherwise advised by their supervisor.   

Hours of Operation 
The Dining Hall will operate for lunch and dinner during normal hours.

Café 1843 will be closed.

The library will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.  

The Kehl Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Practices are canceled except for teams with competition the next day. 

Institutional Research and Assessment

The major function of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is to support the decision-making at Clarke University by collecting, analyzing, and sharing information.  Strategic planning and program assessment are two major processes we support.

The OIR responsibilities include:

  1. Collecting and maintaining information on students, faculty, applicants, programs, resources and alumni;
  2. Analyzing collected data;
  3. Contributing to external reports of institutional statistics (e.g., IPEDS, HLC, US News, and other surveys)
  4. Reporting on data internally for use in decision-making (data, trends, projections);
  5. Maintaining the OIR web site with current information; and
  6. Responding in a timely manner to specific information requests