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Undergraduate Costs

Full-Time Residential Student

One SemesterAcademic YearOne SemesterAcademic Year
$1,275.81 per credit hour*$1,275.81 per credit hour*$1,323 per credit hour*$1,323 per credit hour*
Student Services Fee$370$740$385$770
Technology Fee$310$620$325$650
Double Room (Mary Benedict Hall)
*See below for further options and pricing
Board (19, 14 or 10 meals per week)$2,950$5,900
Board (200 or 275 block, 200 or 275 meals per semester)$3,100$6,200
Board (75 meals per semester - (for students living in the apartments or commuters only)$1,775$3,550$1,864$3,728
Board (18 block, available as standalone for commuters or as an add-on for the other blocks)$260

*The per credit breakdown is provided for veteran students eligible for tuition assistance according to the DoD MOU formula: ((Academic Year tuition)*(4- years to complete program)) / (124 – number of credit hours to complete the program) = cost per credit hour
** International Health Insurance Fee of $885 per semester or $1,770 per academic year will be applied for all international students

Full-Time Commuter Student

One SemesterAcademic YearOne SemesterAcademic Year
Student Services Fee$370$740$385$770
Technology Fee$310$620$325$650

*Optional meal plans are available for commuter students. Email to request a meal plan for a semester or academic year.

Housing and Meal Plan Rates

First-Year Students

Room Options2024-20252025-2026
One Semester: HousingAcademic Year: HousingAcademic Year: Meal PlansOne Semester: HousingAcademic Year: HousingAcademic Year: Meal Plans
Double Room + Roommate (Mary Benedict Hall)$2,917$5,834$5,900$3,027$6,054$6,200
Double Room + Roommate (Mary Josita Hall) $2,650$5,300$5,900$2,750$5,500$6,200
Super Single* (Mary Josita Hall)$3,463$6,926$5,900$3,593$7,186$6,200

Transfer and Returning Students

Room Options2024-20252025-2026
One Semester: HousingAcademic Year: HousingAcademic Year: Meal PlansOne Semester: HousingAcademic Year: HousingAcademic Year: Meal Plans
Double Room + Roommate (Mary Benedict Hall)$2,917$5,834$5,900$3,027$6,054$6,200
Double Room + Roommate (Mary Josita Hall)$2,650$5,300$5,900$2,750$5,500$6,200
Super Single* (Mary Benedict Hall)$3,810$7,620$5,900$3,954$7,908$6,200
Super Single* (Mary Josita Hall)$3463$6,926$5,900$3,593$7,186$6,200
Super Single w/ Bathroom (Mary Benedict Hall)$4,079$8,158$5,900$4,233$8,466$6,200
Double Room w/ Bathroom + Roommate* (Mary Benedict Hall)$3,130$6,260$5,900$3,248$6,496$6,200
Double Room w/ Bathroom + Roommate* (Mary Josita Hall)$2,846$5,692$5,900$2,954$5,908$6,200
Standard Single Room* (Mary Benedict Hall $3,630$7,260$5,900$3,767$7,534$6,200
Standard Single Room* (Mary Frances Hall)$3,300$6,600$5,900
Small Single Room* (Mary Josita Hall)$2,953$5,906$5,900$3,065$6,130$6,200
Single Room w/ Bathroom* (Mary Benedict Hall) $3,916$7,832$5,900$4,065$8,130$6,200
Single Room w/ Bathroom* (Mary Josita Hall) $3,560$7,120$5,900$3,695$7,390$6,200
Single Room w/ Bathroom* (Catherine Dunn Apartments**)$3,560$7,120$5,900 or $3,550 (CDA Only)$3,695$7,390$6,200 or $3,728 (CDA only)


Are you a dependent or spouse of a Clarke employee? If so, remember that you are eligible for tuition remission until you graduate with your undergraduate degree. If you are an Early Access student taking graduate courses prior to obtaining your undergraduate degree, you are eligible to receive tuition remission benefits. However, after you graduate with your undergraduate degree and your program changes from undergraduate to graduate, you will no longer be eligible for tuition remission. Don’t wait to take advantage of this great opportunity!